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17 Feb 2025 2:48 pm
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12,295 posts
How was Trump's first term sabotaged...?

The deliberately engineered and released Pandemic.
Death counts were greatly exaggerated thanks to a PCR test that gave false positives and a policy that made everyone who ever tested positive a member of the official CV19 death count.

A rash epidemic of "once in every 500 year natural disasters" after the other.

Sabotage of our infrastructure that the [[[JWO]]] can blame on either Arabs or Russians.

drone / quadcopter attacks on our freeway system at rush hour
drone / quadcopters used to poison reservoirs, burn random houses to the ground, attack school yards full of kids, set wild fires, poison ranch operations.
sabotage miles of railroad track and bridges

Guerilla warfare with well equipped Hispanic / Haitian troops assembled by [[[jwo / soros]]] in response to Trump's deportations and closure of the Southern Border
Expect to see drone / quadcopters capable of toting heavy enough payloads of explosives and "germs" to terrorize 1000s of Americans who live near the southern border.

More calls by the [[[JWO]]] to make discussions like we are having right now classified as HATE SPEECH and punishable by law.
There have already been 100s of Europeans arrested thanks to arbitrarily enforced Hate Speech Laws in Germany and Great Britain.
Updated 4 minutes ago
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